Sunday, January 31, 2010
**UPDATED ** Mardi Gras FLOATS
Krewe of Bilge "rolled" on it traditional route Saturday despite 40 degree temperatures and high-gusty winds. The riders were on their "floats" for over 2 hours, I lost feeling in my fingers after 20 minutes. Enjoy some pictures of one of our more unusual parades.

Thursday, January 28, 2010
Alegria Gioia Vreugde Glede Joie Joy
I am so glad I have begun stitching regularly again. I forgot how much joy it gives me. I am also full of joy about finding the online stitching community (especially since my only stitching friends live far away)!
Still Working on Fa La La
My progress is slow, but it is progress. I have been playing with some different stitching methods and that has slowed my down some (but I am a slow stitcher anyway). Also, I had to frog-out my snow, my floss must have been more tightly twisted (a little of the original snow on the left side) and it did not lay right. I have started it again (right side) and I am much happier with it.

New Stitching Methods
I am trying to do two-handed stitching (right hand on top of fabric, left hand below), but my left hand is not cooperating. I have also tried on top stitching (going through two holes so the needle is always on top of the fabric). Does anyone have any recommendations/suggestions to speed up stitching?
More of My Recent Stash Acquisition
I was waiting for a beautiful sunny day to take pictures of my NEW (first non-DMC) THREADS!! It came and went yesterday -- but we went to the parade & spent the afternoon with family instead.

Still Working on Fa La La
My progress is slow, but it is progress. I have been playing with some different stitching methods and that has slowed my down some (but I am a slow stitcher anyway). Also, I had to frog-out my snow, my floss must have been more tightly twisted (a little of the original snow on the left side) and it did not lay right. I have started it again (right side) and I am much happier with it.
New Stitching Methods
I am trying to do two-handed stitching (right hand on top of fabric, left hand below), but my left hand is not cooperating. I have also tried on top stitching (going through two holes so the needle is always on top of the fabric). Does anyone have any recommendations/suggestions to speed up stitching?
More of My Recent Stash Acquisition
I was waiting for a beautiful sunny day to take pictures of my NEW (first non-DMC) THREADS!! It came and went yesterday -- but we went to the parade & spent the afternoon with family instead.
Threads for Home of a Needleworker, Too
Threads that were too pretty to leave in the store.
These orange tones (Autumn Leaves, Carrots, Copper) are much prettier in real life.
Thanks for stopping by!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
A stash is born
Made a visit to a LNS and picked up a few things . . .
from left to right:
- Bent Creek - Brownbird Sampler, Imaginating (Diane Arthurs) - The Lord's Blessing, Bent Creek - Four Seasons House,
- LHN - Gingerbread Trio & Psalm 145,
- Brittercup - Believe, LHN - The Angels Sang, and Brittercup - He's the Reason
-- NOTE the orange sale tags for 50 & 60% off) --
Picked up a local a chart from a local designer
Acadian Designs (Michelle Gauthier) - Fleur de Lis 1 (and Crescent Colors Queen Bee and Blackbird thread to stitch it with)
a little fabric
1/16 yard 28 ct Country French Linen in Cafe Mocha (left),
1/8 yard 28 count Cashel Linen in Antique Ivory (right)
I also picked up the Crescent threads for Needleworker and a few additional Crescent and Weeks Dye Works threads.
I was hoping to pick up LHN's "He's Flaky" (3rd All Dolled Up ornament), but they have not gotten it in yet.
I also picked up a couple of items for a future giveaway (it was so much fun to receive one, thought I would like to try to give one). If you are a seasoned "giver awayer" and have some advice (before I learn the hardway), please leave a comment.
BTW, Saints fever is spreading uncontrollably, merchandise is flying off the shelves, specialty shops have lines through the door, the Monday morning paper is in its 3rd printing . . . it is crazy here (well, you know crazier than usual).
You know it is crazy when . . .
- Some of the schools are are discussing closing on either the day after the Super Bowl (apparently school attendance after the NFC Championship was down) or for the special champions parade (on Tuesday or Wednesday after the Super Bowl).
- Real estate agents are reporting a rise in the number of home buyers interested in moving back to NOLA. Don't get me wrong, this is a GREAT place to live (no earthquakes, no mudslides, no forest fires, no ice storms, no blizzards, very few tornadoes . . .), but please have a better reason to move than a Super Bowl bound NFL team.
- Court dockets are being rescheduled.
- Black and gold colored pets warrant a profile on the evening news.
- The mayor of NOLA proudly brags that the taxpayers are funding his trip to Miami -- the crazy part -- is no one is complaining.
- The really crazy part -- I am enjoying every crazy minute! (And I still think football is only a game).
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
I've gone postal
Yesterday, I opened my mailbox to to find the LHN chart Home of a Needleworker, Too from Ma Teakettle She had an extra and was kind enough to share.

Then today, I opened my box to find the charts from the GloryBee Giveaway

Then today, I opened my box to find the charts from the GloryBee Giveaway

Sunday, January 24, 2010
I Believe!
Today was a full day, I took DS to get donuts for breakfast (a rare treat) and then took our donuts to the parade route to eat while waiting for the second parade of the season. Black and gold were definitely the colors of the day. Thought you might like to see a few pics of the family friendly side of Mardi Gras . . .

The Saints are headed to the Super Bowl!! It was a real nail biter. It is such a boost for the city (and for all those who know what it means to miss New Orleans). After tonight's game, I am anxious to start a Saints piece before the Super Bowl. I have also been tempted to start other new pieces (especially when I check my favorite blogs and see so many great designs -- it is a little like being a kid in a candy store). Now I know why there are so many WIPs, but I really should finish what I have already started first.

During the game, I managed to complete the snow and part of the green dress on Fa La La (I am a slow stitcher). Something about the winter white thread does not seem to be laying right. I sometimes notice a texture difference with different color threads, some make a nicer stitch than others. Did anyone else have any issues with the white?

The Saints are headed to the Super Bowl!! It was a real nail biter. It is such a boost for the city (and for all those who know what it means to miss New Orleans). After tonight's game, I am anxious to start a Saints piece before the Super Bowl. I have also been tempted to start other new pieces (especially when I check my favorite blogs and see so many great designs -- it is a little like being a kid in a candy store). Now I know why there are so many WIPs, but I really should finish what I have already started first.
During the game, I managed to complete the snow and part of the green dress on Fa La La (I am a slow stitcher). Something about the winter white thread does not seem to be laying right. I sometimes notice a texture difference with different color threads, some make a nicer stitch than others. Did anyone else have any issues with the white?
Saturday, January 23, 2010
In the beginning . . .
My DS came up to me while I was stitching and said "Will you teach me?" My reply (after I picked my jaw up from the floor) was "Absolutely." (All boys/men should at least be able to sew on a button or make a minor repair to a shirt seam or trouser hem.) He then followed with, "How did you learn to do it?"
I learned to cross-stitch in school when I was 16. As an in-class assignment, everyone had to cross-stitch a red heart. We were taught to go from bottom left to top right and then turn the fabric upside down for the "cross". I thought it was silly to turn the fabric upside down when you could just go bottom right to top left. I was hooked and immediately saved my allowance to buy my first chart, aida and DMC threads (I think I still have a couple of the original threaded cardboard bobbins). My first finish was a Precious Moments piece that I framed and still have (somewhere). It decorated my college dorm room. Fortunately, my college room mate also cross-stitched, so everyone else would go out and we would stay in the dorm and stitch (okay . . . maybe we did not stay in EVERY night -- lol).
Since Valentines is coming up, I think I will teach DS to stitch a heart (and a few letters, if he is so inclined). Who knows? His Cross Country Coach is a stitcher (it started on a dare and it was a good way to spend time with girls -- after approx. 15 years of marriage, he still stitches).
So how did you begin cross-stitching and what was your first finish?
I learned to cross-stitch in school when I was 16. As an in-class assignment, everyone had to cross-stitch a red heart. We were taught to go from bottom left to top right and then turn the fabric upside down for the "cross". I thought it was silly to turn the fabric upside down when you could just go bottom right to top left. I was hooked and immediately saved my allowance to buy my first chart, aida and DMC threads (I think I still have a couple of the original threaded cardboard bobbins). My first finish was a Precious Moments piece that I framed and still have (somewhere). It decorated my college dorm room. Fortunately, my college room mate also cross-stitched, so everyone else would go out and we would stay in the dorm and stitch (okay . . . maybe we did not stay in EVERY night -- lol).
Since Valentines is coming up, I think I will teach DS to stitch a heart (and a few letters, if he is so inclined). Who knows? His Cross Country Coach is a stitcher (it started on a dare and it was a good way to spend time with girls -- after approx. 15 years of marriage, he still stitches).
So how did you begin cross-stitching and what was your first finish?
Friday, January 22, 2010
Blue Skies Shining at Me
What DMC color do you think this is?
This is the color of the sky here today . . . really! (Katrina took out many of the trees (see the topped tree on the far left) and my neighbors took out the rest last fall so I am seeing a lot more sky these days).
However, if you look down, my Louisiana irises are coming up. All the rain we have been having should make this a good year for them. I will post again when they bloom in the spring (and the grass is green again).
Not much stitching progress to report on Fa La La, but the natural light gives a better view of the color of my fabric. I will be stitching more this evening.
I will do more stitching this weekend and I am inspired by Vonna (Twisted Stitcher) to work on creating a little stitching "nook" for myself during the weekend. Thanks to Karyn (Ma Teakettle) I will be able to stitch Home of a Needleworker, Too to decorate my nook. Thank you ladies and thanks to all the other bloggers who share a little bit of themselves and inspire me daily.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
New WIP - LHN Ornament of the Month Fa La La
I received the first two LHN Ornament of the Month charts (Thanks Vonna).
I have started Fa La La on 28 count Light Mocha linen using the recommended DMC threads.
I have almost completed "The Duke" and will post after finishing those last few stitches.
The temps here are in the 70s and it looked like a scene from "The Fog" all day today (never saw the movie, but the commercials made an impression) -- I miss the cold weather.
Thanks for stopping by, come back again soon.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Football Party and Cross Stitch
Finished the turkey and sausage gumbo, crawfish and corn soup, ribs, BBQ beef, tacos, salad and football stadium cake . . . now to find a comfortable spot to stitch while watching Saints vs Cardinals.
Friday, January 15, 2010
Ribbit . . . Ribbit . . .
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Langiappe and Shrimp Creole
Thanks to the wonderful Vonna at Twisted Stitcher, I am anxiously awaiting a little langiappe by post and I have joined my first SAL and I will be stitching the LHN monthly ornaments along with the other members of Little House Needleworks Monthly Ornament Stitch-A-Long, Too at
Check out its sister SAL
I picked up some fabric to use in finishing The Sampler Girl's Be Mine chart as a pillowkeep. Looking forward to posting my stitchy progress. I will be using coffee (or tea) to "antique" my piece so the colors will be toned down.
Enjoyed a little "Quick" Shrimp Creole Pasta for dinner this evening.
Recipe for "Quick" Shrimp Creole Pasta
Check out its sister SAL
I picked up some fabric to use in finishing The Sampler Girl's Be Mine chart as a pillowkeep. Looking forward to posting my stitchy progress. I will be using coffee (or tea) to "antique" my piece so the colors will be toned down.
Recipe for "Quick" Shrimp Creole Pasta
- Boil your favorite shaped pasta (bowties work great with this)
- Sauteed 1 medium diced onion and 1 diced bell pepper in EVOO, add 1 clove diced garlic when onions are translucent.
- Add 1-2 pounds (depends on the size of your pan and your appetite) peeled shrimp, cook until pink (do not over-cook or you get rubber) -- they will continue to cook in the heated sauce
- This is the quick part - add one jar of your favorite MARINARA sauce
- Add a pinch of cayenne to taste
- Ready to toss with pasta (cooks faster than rice) when heated through
Sunday, January 10, 2010
New Patterns from LHN
Saw these snippets of new designs on Diane Williams' (LHN) blog, cannot wait until the 15th to see the entire pieces.
Friday, January 8, 2010
It's just a little chili
Made some additions to the blog, checked out all of my favorite blogs, and made a pot of slow-cooked chili (and yes, I do like beans in my chili) to ward off the cold. DH & DS finished off more than half the pot at lunch time.
Now heading out into the freezing temperatures (about 30 degrees) to help Mom machine embroider a fleur de lis table cloth for a Black & Gold Super Bowl (Go Saints!!).
Stay warm and come back to visit again.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
I truly enjoy the cold weather, it is such a novelty here that it does not get old. It is freezing here -- literally. For the next 24 hours, the temperature is not expected to be much above 32 (with the wind chill it will feel like -5 to 15). Still a small chance for snow and we have our fingers crossed. No school tomorrow for DS and DH has 1/2 day so it would be a great day for snow!
Enjoyed some nice chicken and sausage gumbo for dinner and I am planning a big breakfast tomorrow (scrambled eggs (over-easy for me), bacon, grits and biscuits). Then I can put the ingredients for chili in the crock pot and we can relax and enjoy a little extra unexpected family time. I hope to spend a little time curled up with some stitiching (and a blanket), although I have not made it to my LNS (I am picking up on the blog-lingo) to get any of the new charts or threads I wanted to pick up.
Stay warm,
Bayou Stiticher
Enjoyed some nice chicken and sausage gumbo for dinner and I am planning a big breakfast tomorrow (scrambled eggs (over-easy for me), bacon, grits and biscuits). Then I can put the ingredients for chili in the crock pot and we can relax and enjoy a little extra unexpected family time. I hope to spend a little time curled up with some stitiching (and a blanket), although I have not made it to my LNS (I am picking up on the blog-lingo) to get any of the new charts or threads I wanted to pick up.
Stay warm,
Bayou Stiticher
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
A few of my WIPs to finish in 2010 . . .
Not sure how I will finish, thinking I might frame it and make weathered leather mat.
Stitched on Aida with DMC threads
I would like to stitch this one again on linen with different colors.
I wish I had done this on linen instead of evenweave.

Floral Initial "A"
Stitching on Jobelan (Lambswool - love this color)
Laissez bon temp rouler!
Mardi Gras season begins today which means only one thing . . .

We will enjoy our first slice of the season with mugs of hot chocolate (it is freezing here).
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Welcome 2010!
I am excited to begin a new year and decade. I thought this blog would be a fun way to record my stitching progress and network with other stitchers.
My primary resolution for 2010 is to complete my WIPs, begin one new large/medium stitch project and 3 smaller (quicker) projects, and stitch 5 new ornaments for Christmas. Second, to become more organized, last year my organizational gyro was out of whack and I spent too much time finishing things at the last minute. The level of difficulty/work required by a project is inversely related to the amount of time you have to complete the project.
I will be posting pictures of my WIPs shortly . . .
My primary resolution for 2010 is to complete my WIPs, begin one new large/medium stitch project and 3 smaller (quicker) projects, and stitch 5 new ornaments for Christmas. Second, to become more organized, last year my organizational gyro was out of whack and I spent too much time finishing things at the last minute. The level of difficulty/work required by a project is inversely related to the amount of time you have to complete the project.
I will be posting pictures of my WIPs shortly . . .
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