We usually do not get much fall color here, but this year it is so dry and hot that the few trees that do change colors have gone from green to a spotted sickly yellow and directly to crunchy brown.
But, after many consecutive days of record high temperatures, we are finally getting a little (very little) rain and we welcomed a cool front this morning -- it was 49 degrees on the way to school! I am also looking forward to the extra morning hour I will gain next week when we "fall" back for Daylight Savings Time. And all just in time for my birthday - cool weather and an extra hour in the morning, what could be better birthday present!?!
Well . . . .
maybe a little
Stash Enhancement . . .
Homespun Elegance "Holiest of Nights" and "Shabby Chic Christmas"
JBW Designs "French Country - Snow Globe" and "French Country - Love"
Brightneedle "Can You Spy?"
Stitching Update . . .
Things have been rather busy on the bayou and it is cutting into my stitching time, but I have been carrying LHN's the Gingerbread Trio with me and stitching whenever I have have a little time.
using the recommended threads
(love that Spinach green)
At least I am sure to be finished by Christmas. I am trying to decide between a frame and a pillow finish -- anyone have a different finishing suggestion?
I finished another LHN ornament, I am hoping to finish two more LHN ornaments for our tree this year, but I also have some gift ornaments I want need to start stitching and the gifts come first.
Picture coming soon
"Merry Skater"
Little House Needleworks
stitched over 2 threads on Summer Khaki
using the recommended threads
Other stuff . . .
I have added several new charts to my
destash blog for sale or trade, take a look and see if there is anything you like.
Have you been "Boo'd" yet? We were "Boo'ed" this week and a secret friend left a large pumpkin, a jar of candy corn and a pack of Wendy's Frosty coupons on our porch. In return you have to "Boo" two friends, so we made a midnight raid . . . okay, it was actually 7:30p, but it was dark . . . on two unsuspecting friends and delivered some home-baked cookies, candy and a box of Kraft Mac and Cheese with pumpkin-shaped macaroni. Since we were expecting rain that evening, we had to ring the bell and run so they would not find their soaked goodies in the morning. We will be driving by to see if they posted their "I've been "Boo'd" signs in the window. DS had so much fun, we are going to do something similar for Christmas so he is writing a little poem to let you know you have been "Kringle'd".
Here is the poem for being "Boo'd" (this poem was from a Hallmark set that came with the poem, an "I've Been Boo'd ghost and a cute little gift bag, I think they have another set at Wal-Mart this year from another company with a different poem) . . .
You’ve been Boo’d!
This sweet surprise is called a “boo”!
You’ll never know exactly who
Brought you treats and then ran off unseen
To brighten up your Halloween!
It’s twice the good luck if you go
and “boo” two other folks you know!
Pack up a ghost sign, treats and gifts,
And add a poem just like this.
Pick out a house and sneak up close.
(Make sure its windows have no ghost
that tells you clearly “We’ve been Boo’d!”
It’s best to visit someplace new.)
Knock fast on someone’s door – then run!
Make sure you’re never seen! It’s fun!
And once they get your gifts and food . . .
They’ll know for sure that
They’ve been Boo’d!
If you like this idea, but don't like the idea of ghosts, you can deliver a fall pumpkin with a sign that says "You've been punk'd!" and you can still do it in November for Thanksgiving. Maybe leave a bag off
Thanksgiving Blessing Mix from
Organized Christmas.
And you could use this little verse:
Being a Christian . . . is like being a pumpkin.
God picks you from the patch, brings you in, and washes off all the dirt.
Then, He scoops out all the yucky stuff,
He removes the seeds of doubt, hate and greed.
Then, He carves you a new smiling face and
puts His light inside of you to shine for all the world to see.
Online Needlework Show is still open to view. I inserted a few links to some of my favorites, a few of the designers were new to me so I will have to add them to my designer's to watch list.