We are in our first week of summer vacation and while our summer plans are very low-key, we are very much looking forward to enjoying this summer.
I am working on a special stitching project as a gift, so I cannot post any photos of my progress, but I will be picking up a couple of WIPs later this week and will post my progress, meager though it may be.
Hurricane season starts June 1st, and we are praying for a very quiet season and that the recent devastating tornadoes are not an indicator of the season.
I have been grateful for the unusually cool Spring we have had this year, just a few weeks ago, we were dipping down into the 40s at night and experiencing highs in the upper 70s to mid 80s. The last two weeks have seen more 90 degree temps and an increase in humidity.
How ironic that we are in the middle of a drought, having received only 30% of our usual rainfall for this time of year, while, the diversion of the Mississippi River at the Bonnet Carre' and Morganza spillways are flooding some communities just hours away with up to 15 feet of water.
The opening of the Bonnet Carre' spillway has inundated Lake Ponchatrain with river water. The lake is now almost completely filled with river water, this is no small task. I think this will ruin our plans to go fishing and crabbing this summer, it will also cause an algae blooms later in the summer.
Our garden is really coming along, we will be planting our second wave of tomatoes, eggplant and squashes to stretch out our harvest. Since my first planting of chives, thyme, parsley and cilantro were a bust, I will give it another try.
Blueberries! |
Genovese, Purple Opal and Sweet Basils |
Our Watermelon Patch (with a broken tomato branch that DS is trying to root) |
Creole Tomatoes!! |
Cherry Tomatoes |
Our first eggplant of the season! |
There are a over dozen squash growing just this one plant. |
Sweet Mint - I am tasting lots of mint tea this summer! |
I am also making plans for our fall garden with broccoli, cauliflower, mirliton (chayote/vegetable pear), pumpkins, butternut squash and potatoes.