Saturday, January 23, 2010

In the beginning . . .

My DS came up to me while I was stitching and said "Will you teach me?" My reply (after I picked my jaw up from the floor) was "Absolutely." (All boys/men should at least be able to sew on a button or make a minor repair to a shirt seam or trouser hem.) He then followed with, "How did you learn to do it?"

I learned to cross-stitch in school when I was 16. As an in-class assignment, everyone had to cross-stitch a red heart. We were taught to go from bottom left to top right and then turn the fabric upside down for the "cross". I thought it was silly to turn the fabric upside down when you could just go bottom right to top left. I was hooked and immediately saved my allowance to buy my first chart, aida and DMC threads (I think I still have a couple of the original threaded cardboard bobbins). My first finish was a Precious Moments piece that I framed and still have (somewhere). It decorated my college dorm room. Fortunately, my college room mate also cross-stitched, so everyone else would go out and we would stay in the dorm and stitch (okay . . . maybe we did not stay in EVERY night -- lol).

Since Valentines is coming up, I think I will teach DS to stitch a heart (and a few letters, if he is so inclined). Who knows? His Cross Country Coach is a stitcher (it started on a dare and it was a good way to spend time with girls -- after approx. 15 years of marriage, he still stitches).

So how did you begin cross-stitching and what was your first finish?


  1. I'm working on a heart too! I think its great your DS it showing interest.

  2. I spent a week at my camp the summer I was 14. My cousin was stitching stamped cross stitch floral wreath. She was about 7 years older than me. I watched and and watched her. We went into town one day and found a teddy bear kit. He was about 4 inches tall by 3.5 or so on 14 count Aida. I stitched the rest of the week and finished him at home. Not sure what happened to the little guy. Well, I was an ambitious stitcher to say the least. I walked down to the LNS and bought myself a Paula Vaughn chart, SUMMER BREEZE. It was huge but I was determined. I purchased all the threads and went home to immediately start on it. It was to be a gift for my Mother. I finished about 3/4 of it and then it was lost. I finally found it one day and decided that I didn't want to finish it. I sold that piece on ebay as an unfinished piece for $100.00. I was shocked. Now that I'm older, I have a bettter agenda. I do still have a lot of UFO's but I'm determined to get to them someday.
    Sorry for such a long answer, but it was nice to think about that time. Thanks so much for sharing your story.
    North Country Samplings

  3. Hillery, I have two unfinished Paul Vaughn pieces from that same period, Wedding Ring Bouquet and Summers Remembered. Might try to see if I can find them a good home on e-bay. Thanks.

  4. Almost forgot, I have a finished From This Day Forward stitched by my college roommate as a wedding gift. She was unable to be my matron-of-honor (and had plenty of time) since she was in Oxford with her husband while he did a semester abroad. I will post this as well.

  5. Good for you, and your son!! My mother wanted me to take Home Ec in school so I, of course, took Wood Shop. When I came around to wanting to learn how to stitch (I bought a kiddie kit on clearance & moved on from there.), my husband had to thread my needles for me. He still does most of the repair work on hems, etc., in the family!

  6. My son stitches (he is now 9) and does blackwork. He points out to people that all the big designers are men and has no problems with it at all. He has made pictures which we have framed and little xmas tree ornies. Proud son, very proud mum lol
